We are Design Thinking and Digital Innovation Specialists!
We can help you accelerating your Digital-age Business Innovation! We focus on Need-first, Customer-centric and Design-led Business Innovation and offer Advisory as well as Learning Programs to help organizations making their Innovation Initiatives FASTER > TARGETED > FRUGAL
We are intrigued by the Digital-age disruptions and the tremendous amount of opportunities this phenomenon creates across how we live or work! We strongly believe it is absolutely necessary to question "Status Quo" in this age of innovation, to create real values for all parties involved!
Stay focused with "WHAT",
We will help you with "HOW"!
Person Hours of Design Thinking & Business Innovation Training and Bootcamps
Discovery & Business Innovation Workshops and Engagements
Person Hours of Digital Transformation & Customer Experience Masterclass
We are a group of grey haired individuals (with few wrinkles here & there) with Learners' Mind and "Millennial-ish" behaviour. We believe anyone can Innovate and Innovation is possible everywhere! It is this belief that inspires us questioning status quo, with a vision of reimagining new possibilities!
Pinaki is an entrepreneur, a Design Thinking practitioner, and Digital Transformation expert.
A management consultant with more than 23 years of industry experience, in his earlier avatar Pinaki has worked for companies like L&T Infotech, Satyam Computers, Wipro Infotech and Tech Mahindra.
In 2018, Pinaki started DX&Beyond® to help organizations innovating better, faster & frugal.